Conditions of probation compliance in Argentina. A transitional period

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Beatriz Kalinsky


It is a systematization and fine tuning of the scientific literature with our own empirical research findings about the post-prison period, known in Argentina as "probation", which begins, if you have fulfilled the necessary requirements, after completing the three-quarters of a conviction. This period is critical since society, neighborhood and communities– show, at different levels and degrees, obstacles that test and jeopardize that freedom. Is "conditional" because, broken some of the requirements, prison is where they serve the remainder of the sentence. The transition from prison to life in society is not a purely administrative process; means a rapid rearrangement and often unattainable in the social manners and institutional and ideological ways of those who pass through prison time.

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How to Cite
Kalinsky, B. (2012). Conditions of probation compliance in Argentina. A transitional period. Revista De Derecho, 25(2), 33–58.