The legal standard ok work slander

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Pedro Irureta Uriarte


The Chilean work legislation has regulated since its origins a set of causes of dismissal, including slanderous acts committed by workers. This legal causation remained almost unmodified during 20th Century, and the country jurisprudence was in charge of delimitating the outline of this figure in the field of the disciplinary dismissal. As of 2001, with the Act Nº 19.759, legislators circumscribed this causation to slanders uttered by a worker against his/her employer, modifying so the extent of the infraction. In spite of this figure exists since long time ago, slander as causation of disciplinary dismissal has not been subject of a particular doctrinal debate, leaving an array of questions open on the true extent of this causation.

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How to Cite
Irureta Uriarte, P. (2012). The legal standard ok work slander. Revista De Derecho, 25(2), 83–109.