Iura novit curia in chilean private law jurisprudence

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Iván Hunter Ampuero


The present paper carries out a critical analysis of the most relevant Chilean judicial decisions regarding the legal authority of the courts to decide about the legal rules that are applicable to a particular case. in its first part, it is explained how the distribution of procedural roles has responded to a series of hardly questionable dogma, and how its influence on judicial decisions is clear. Also, it deals with the most important consequences of the distinction between matters of law –which determination is assigned to the courts– and factual subject –which determination is assigned to the parties. Lastly, based upon diverse rulings, the paper explains the need to leave that rigid separation, in the light of procedural rights as the right of defense.

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How to Cite
Hunter Ampuero, I. (2010). Iura novit curia in chilean private law jurisprudence. Revista De Derecho, 23(2), 197–221. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-09502010000200010
Author Biography

Iván Hunter Ampuero, Abogado, Magíster y Doctor en Derecho, profesor de Derecho Procesal de la Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.

Este trabajo fue realizado en el marco y con el financiamiento de la Dirección de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Universidad Austral de Chile (DID), proyecto Nº 2010-12 (2010-2011), titulado “El rol del juez en el Proyecto de Código Procesal Civil”, del cual el autor de este trabajo es su investigador responsable.