French private Law since the Napoleon Code

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Rémy Cabrillac


The French civil code, enacted at the end of the French Revolution, has known a period of political crisis, attacked by the political extremists, and also a technical crisis, because it quickly seemed not adaptated at the new society birth with the industrial Revolution, during the second part of the XIXth century. But the French civil code has known an important renovation during the XXth century. On a technical point of view, the renovation becomes of statute laws enacted in personal and family law in the 1960’s, inspired by the dean Jean Carbonnier. On a political point of view, the French civil code becomes an incontestable figure of the national patrimony.

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How to Cite
Cabrillac, R. (2009). French private Law since the Napoleon Code. Revista De Derecho, 22(2), 65–73.