Imprescriptibility of sexual crimes against children

Main Article Content

Carlos Cabezas Cabezas


The paper proposes to critically discuss the foundations and effects of several legislative proposals currently under discussion in our country to declare the offenses of sexual violence against minors not be subject to any statute of limitations, confronting those foundations with those of criminal statute of limitations in general and of criminal action in particular. And also put forward recommendations in the event that such legislative proposals are successful.

Article Details

How to Cite
Cabezas Cabezas, C. (2019). Imprescriptibility of sexual crimes against children. Revista De Derecho, 32(1), 275–294.
Author Biography

Carlos Cabezas Cabezas, Universidad de Antofagasta.

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Universidad de Antofagasta.

Magíster en Derecho y Procesos Penales, Universidad de Antofagasta.

Doctor en Derecho, Universidad de Trento, Italia.

Profesor de derecho penal, Universidad de Antofagasta.