Deciding about budgetary exceptions: A political defense of the supremacy of the Constitution

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Luis Alejandro Silva Irarrázaval, Dr.


The supremacy of the Constitution is guaranteed both by the judiciary and the political branches. This paper develops an example of a political warrant of constitutional supremacy, that of budgetary exceptions through presidential order. This constitutional power belongs to the President only and obeys to the President’s constitutional function -to govern the Nation. Thus, it is a power driven by political prudence -essentially, it is a political power. Correspondingly, it is for Congress and not the Judiciary to control the exercise of such power.

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How to Cite
Silva Irarrázaval, L. A. (2020). Deciding about budgetary exceptions: A political defense of the supremacy of the Constitution. Revista De Derecho, 33(1), 209–229.
Author Biography

Luis Alejandro Silva Irarrázaval, Dr., Universidad de los Andes, Chile.

Licenciado en Derecho, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Doctor en Derecho, Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Profesor de Derecho Constitucional, Universidad de los Andes, Chile.