Pre-trial detention and evidentiary miscarriage of justice

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Jaime Andrés Manríquez Oyaneder, Mg.


The article aims to analyze the evidentiary difficulties of the miscarriage of justice contained in the article 19 Nº 7 letter i) of the Political Constitution of the Republic by dealing exclusively with preventive criminal law, more specifically, pre-trial detention.

The following study postulates the systemic incoherence of detecting the evidentiary error in a criminal justice system that does not recognize it due to its lack of standard. To this effect, Case Nº 1.579-2015, the Excellency Supreme Court sentence is used as a guiding thread for it remains the only verdict thus far that has allowed a miscarriage of justice appeal regarding a pre-trial detention.

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How to Cite
Manríquez Oyaneder, J. A. (2020). Pre-trial detention and evidentiary miscarriage of justice. Revista De Derecho, 33(2), 275–295.
Author Biography

Jaime Andrés Manríquez Oyaneder, Mg., Universidad de Chile.

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Universidad Católica de Temuco. Magíster en Derecho con mención en Derecho Privado, Universidad de Chile. Chile.