The “family reunification” as a concept and limit of the administrative powers of the State of Chile in immigration matters

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Juan Carlos Ferrada Bórquez
Karina Uribe Peña


The purpose of this paper aims to identify and specify the concept/principle of family reunification as a limit to the powers of the State Administration in migration matters. Based on a review of international standards and the jurisprudence of Supranational Courts on human rights it is possible identify some criteria that have been applied in this area giving content to this principle This analysis serves as the basis for analyzing Chilean legislation and jurisprudence in this topic, noting how it has been progressively applied, having now full recognition in domestic law, both in terms of refugee protection and migration legislation in general.

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How to Cite
Ferrada Bórquez, J. C., & Uribe Peña, K. (2021). The “family reunification” as a concept and limit of the administrative powers of the State of Chile in immigration matters. Revista De Derecho, 34(2), 225–246.