Is it constitutional to decriminalize abortion beyond indications?

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Rodolfo Figueroa García Huidobro


 The thesis of this work is that, decriminalization of abortion, either for the whole pregnancy or under a term, should be considered constitutional according to the Constitutional Court’s ruling from 2017. Such ruling establishes three principles that justify this paper’s thesis: 1. Abortion is not forbidden by the Constitution and the legislature is authorized to decriminalize it. 2. The unborn is not a person and thus, it does not have a right to life. 3. The woman has a right to a voluntary motherhood. The same conclusion should be drawn from the text approved by the Constitutional Convention.

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How to Cite
Figueroa García Huidobro, R. (2022). Is it constitutional to decriminalize abortion beyond indications?. Revista De Derecho, 35(2), 203–226.
Author Biography

Rodolfo Figueroa García Huidobro, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile.

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. Doctor en Derecho,
University of Wisconsin, Estados Unidos. Profesor de Derecho Público, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile.