Study on the incorporation of standard terms to establish the convenience of its general regulation in Colombia

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María Elisa Camacho-López


This article analyses the convenience, from a theoretical point of view, of regulating the “control of incorporation” for non-consumer legal relations, given the frequency of contracts concluded with pre-arranged and non-negotiated clauses in Colombian practice. To this end, the similarities and differences between the figures foreseen in the general regime of obligations and contracts that have a certain similarity with the “control of incorporation” and this one are studied, as well as the relationship between the control of incorporation and neo-formalism, reaching the conclusion on the convenience of regulating, in an appropriate manner, the “control of incorporation”, as it constitutes an overcoming measure for the protection of the adhering contracting party.

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How to Cite
Camacho-López, M. E. (2024). Study on the incorporation of standard terms to establish the convenience of its general regulation in Colombia. Revista De Derecho, 37(1), 9–30.
Author Biography

María Elisa Camacho-López, Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Abogada. Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Magíster en Sistema Jurídico Romano, Unificación del Derecho y Derecho de la Integración y Doctora en Sistema Jurídico Romano y Unificación del Derecho. Universidad de los Estudios de Roma II “Tor Vergata”, Italia.

Docente investigadora de la Universidad Externado de Colombia.