Application of the chilean general anti-avoidance rule in respect of the special anti-avoidance rules

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Patricia Toledo-Zúñiga
María Pilar Navarro-Schiappacasse


Chilean law opted to prefer the application of the Special Anti-Avoidance Rule over the application of a General Anti-Avoidance Rule. This paper analyzes four differences of combating avoidance through a general anti-avoidance rule and a special anti-avoidance rule in the Chilean tax system. In addition, three difficult situations in which it is not clear whether a general anti-avoidance rule is applicable are identified and analyzed, proposing a solution in each case. The paper concludes by stressing that these issue are essential for the legal certainty of taxpayers and the proper functioning of the tax system.

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How to Cite
Toledo-Zúñiga, P., & Navarro-Schiappacasse, M. P. (2024). Application of the chilean general anti-avoidance rule in respect of the special anti-avoidance rules. Revista De Derecho, 37(1), 77–99.
Author Biographies

Patricia Toledo-Zúñiga, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile.

Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.

Doctora en Derecho, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, España.

Académica de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile.

María Pilar Navarro-Schiappacasse, Universidad de Chile.

Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile.

Doctora en Derecho y Ciencia Política, Universidad de Barcelona, España.

Profesora de la Universidad de Chile.