Struggles and claims for urban indigenous housing. Appearance of subsidized housing complexes for urban indigenous people in Chile.

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Walter A. Imilán


The appearance of subsidized housing complexes for indigenous populations reveals new types of housing claims and struggles in Chile. The new residential complexes result from several elements: indigenous-urban networking, public policies aimed at indigenous peoples and a housing policy that enables the development of specific collective interests. No housing policy for indigenous peoples is in place; therefore, every project is unique in its developments and responds to specific claims and struggles. This paper preliminary discusses this new type of claims and struggles through a brief introduction of two study cases. There is a need to understand the way in which these housing projects emerge and the networking potential promoting them.

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How to Cite
Imilán, W. A. (2017). Struggles and claims for urban indigenous housing. Appearance of subsidized housing complexes for urban indigenous people in Chile. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (21), 61–67.
Author Biography

Walter A. Imilán

Antropólogo, Académico Instituto de la Vivienda, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
Académico Universidad Central de Chile, Chile.