The urban landscape as a new postcard of Chile: the cities of Santiago, Valparaiso and Osorno, 1930-1960

Main Article Content

Macarena Cortés Darrigrande, Dra.
Luz María Vergara d'Alencon, Dra (c)
Anita María Puig Gómez, Mg.
Fernanda Larenas Lolas, Mg (c)


This article addresses the issue of architecture dissemination, specifically from what tourism magazines attempted to advertise as urban destinations in 1930-1960, in line with the great reforms conducted in main Chilean cities. For this purpose, a comparison is made between what the projects essentially sought to generate -through a civic and representative architecture- and the touristic conception that promoted them as destinations based on the new urban landscapes that made them up.

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How to Cite
Cortés Darrigrande, M., Vergara d’Alencon, L. M., Puig Gómez, A. M., & Larenas Lolas, F. (2017). The urban landscape as a new postcard of Chile: the cities of Santiago, Valparaiso and Osorno, 1930-1960. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (17), 18–23.
Author Biographies

Macarena Cortés Darrigrande, Dra.

Arquitecto Universidad Central, Chile.
Magíster en Arquitectura, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile.
Doctorado en Arquitectura, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile.

Luz María Vergara d'Alencon, Dra (c)

Arquitecto y Magíster en Arquitectura Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Doctor (c), Real Estate and Housing Department, Faculty of Architecture and the Built
Environment, Delft University of Technology, Holanda.

Anita María Puig Gómez, Mg.

Arquitecto Universidad Mayor, Chile.
Magister en Arquitectura, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile.

Fernanda Larenas Lolas, Mg (c)

Tesista Magister en Arquitectura.
Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile.