Inhabiting the unfamiliarity of the space of technique

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Aldo Hidalgo Hermosilla, Dr.


Among the impacts of the emergence of modern technique, the development of scientific disciplines and the birth of a new conception of space, is the replacement of the artisanal pattern which -for many centuries- dealt with the construction of a way of inhabiting which treasured material, social and mythical values. In this context, the subject of ancestral customs is required to inhabit a space void of local meaning and undergo a new spatial experience; that of the unfamiliarity of whom does not feel like at home. The paper resorts to classical texts of modernity to expose some milestones in this voiding process, developing three arguments that attempt to make this modality explicit and its implications in the subjectivity of individuals, namely: the power of the project, the reproductibility of technique and the dissolution of the tectonic body. Finally, we point to a possible escape to the domains of the physical conception of space if this meets the existential vision of space.

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How to Cite
Hidalgo Hermosilla, A. (2017). Inhabiting the unfamiliarity of the space of technique. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (17), 56–61.
Author Biography

Aldo Hidalgo Hermosilla, Dr.

Arquitecto, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
Magíster en Teoría e Historia del Arte, Universidad de Chile.
Doctor en Filosofía mención Estética y Teoría del Arte, Universidad de Chile. 
Académico Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.