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Jorge Lobos


The conceptual emphasis on Human Rights is fundamental for understanding the challenges faced within our professional field in the contemporary period. It is impossible to understand our discipline, only from the artistic and aesthetic points of view.
In this context, architecture has an important role to play, as a social discipline, in the redefinition of the priorities of the planet: The right to a decent standard of living and housing established by the United Nations in the 25th paragraph. Millions of people driven from their homes by humanitarian disasters. Rational and democratic territorial planning. Environmental sustainability in human processes. Large-scale migrations and conflicts and/or encounters following from these. The fact that two thirds of the world's population still lack access to any formal architectural product.
The relation between Architecture and Human Rights has been absent in the field of architectural theory. We consider it necessary that attention is paid to this connection, so that the emergence of new professional roles can be stimulated, and so that experience gained in the field of architecture can be brought to millions of human beings who have the right to enjoy and use knowledge generated in the world in which we all live.

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How to Cite
Lobos, J. (2017). ARCHITECTURE AND HUMAN RIGHTS. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (12), 14–17.
Author Biography

Jorge Lobos

Arquitecto Universidad de Chile, Chile.
Profesor asociado en la Universidad de Sassari, UNISS Italia
Profesor visitante en la Royal Danish Academy of Copenhagen, KADK Dinamarca.