The Built and Inhabited Neighborhood as a Historic and Social Value: The Case of El Aguilucho in Santiago, Chile

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Uri Colodro-Gotthelf


El Aguilucho is a boundary neighborhood that lies in the southern part of the commune of Providencia, in the eastern area of Santiago, Chile. This old quarter has a remarkable working-class origin that distinguishes it from its surrounding areas, resulting in a ‘village-like’ lifestyle immersed in a metropolitan space, as well as particular types of social relations. The following research recovers its urban transformations, as well as its origin and history.

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How to Cite
Colodro-Gotthelf, U. (2019). The Built and Inhabited Neighborhood as a Historic and Social Value: The Case of El Aguilucho in Santiago, Chile. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (25), 20–25.
Author Biography

Uri Colodro-Gotthelf

Geógrafo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.

Master of Science in Governance of Risks and Resources, Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg, Alemania.

Geógrafo, Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable (CEDEUS), Santiago de Chile, Chile.