Concerning the architect´s objective and his object of study. A necessary basal distinction for the cultivation of a properly architectonic academy

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Claudio Araneda


This article provides updated reflections concerning both the sources of architectural knowledge arising from a research project conducted in the School of Architecture of the Universidad del Bío-Bío and the subsequent creation of the course on the Bases of Architecture, directly informed by the project and the main goal of which was to inquire on the original source of architectural knowledge. Promoted by the phenomenological core idea that dictates that the generation of all knowledge presumes the existence of a study object from where such knowledge can be extracted, the article focuses on the first class cycle based on a progressive phenomenology approach to the different kingdoms that make up our sensory world: the mineral, vegetal, animal and ‘humanal’ kingdoms. The work provides a critical analysis of the tradition prevalent in learning based on the study of models, reveals the current underlying epistemological uncertainty in the discipline, and offers optional and complementary lines of research.

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How to Cite
Araneda, C. (2019). Concerning the architect´s objective and his object of study. A necessary basal distinction for the cultivation of a properly architectonic academy. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (25), 47–52.
Author Biography

Claudio Araneda

Arquitecto, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile.

Ph.D en Arquitectura, Architectural Association, School of Architecture, Reino Unido.

Académico, Facultad de Arquitectura Construcción y Diseño, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile.