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Sergio Baeriswyl
Enrique Matuschka


The Project Winter Promenade (Paseo de Invierno) in Concepción ¡s a municipality decision funded together with the big stores of the area which has the objective of Improving the climatic conditions of one of the most visited public spaces In the city. The climatic protection dispositions sought by the design attempt at keeping the condition of open urban space through an Independent, self-supporting and light structure; able to coexist with the architectural Individualities of each one of the edifications It faces. The results expected from this project are: a space giving continuity of pedestrian use, Independent from the climatic conditions of the place, and a flexible and dynamic space In Its use through light and color.

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How to Cite
Baeriswyl, S., & Matuschka, E. (2017). WINTER PROMENADE. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (6), 24–27.
Author Biographies

Sergio Baeriswyl

Arquitecto Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
Doctor en Urbanismo.
Asesor en Gestión Urbana de la Ilustre Municipalidad de Concepción.
Docente del departamento de Planificación y Diseño Urbano de la facultad de Arquitectura Construcción y Diseño de la Universidad de Bío-Bío.

Enrique Matuschka

Secretario Regional Ministerial de Vivienda del Bío-Bío.