Principles for the evaluation of the public space: A methodological proposal

Main Article Content

Bryan Roberto Vargas-Vargas, Mg.
Andrea Lara-Álvarez


This article develops a theoretical synthesis and a methodological proposal for the evaluation of public spaces. The proposal is to make urban design contemporary principles operational and to measure them with indicators. The work has a theoretical correspondence with Jan Gehl, Jane Jacobs, and Oscar Newman, among others, and establishes a diversity of research techniques that are put to test in the framework of two urban parks, namely: Los Angeles Park in the central canton of Heredia and Tibás Park in San José. The study is thought as an input to assess the quality of the city’s public spaces.

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How to Cite
Vargas-Vargas, B. R., & Lara-Álvarez, A. (2020). Principles for the evaluation of the public space: A methodological proposal. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (28), 44–53.
Author Biographies

Bryan Roberto Vargas-Vargas, Mg.

Sociólogo, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.

Arquitecto, Universidad Latina, Costa Rica.

Master en Diseño Urbano, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Investigador del Centro Agenda Joven en Derechos y Ciudadanía, de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Andrea Lara-Álvarez

Arquitecta, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Arquitecta e investigadora, Danta Arquitectos, San José, Costa Rica.