SpeculACtions. Speculative actions in art and architecture from the deviation of consumer objects

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María Verónica Machado, Dra.


This article inquires in a series of experimental actions grouped under the neologism of speculACtions. Its purpose is to transform the act of speculating –installed in thought– into an act, resulting in pavilions and installations that interpellate the reality in which they are set. The production of speculACtions has led to explore the landscape of Ibero-American art and architecture implied in practices that nurture its endeavor. Four random processes follow the intent of transforming speculation for the development of speculACtions: 1) Speculation of the possibilities that are explored in a consumption object; 2) The scrutiny of reality starting from a critical approach of the situation in which they are involved; 3) Building pavilions and installations from a reflexive practice; and 4) The experience and reflection that generates these speculACtions. The experimental action of speculACtions, within the field of solid waste and the deviation of consumption goods, reports problems, announces possibilities, enunciates the “otherness”, and renounces to a traditional experimentation from art and architecture.

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How to Cite
Machado, M. V. (2021). SpeculACtions. Speculative actions in art and architecture from the deviation of consumer objects. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (29), 104–112. https://doi.org/10.4206/aus.2021.n29-13
Author Biography

María Verónica Machado, Dra.

Arquitecta, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.

Doctora en Arquitectura, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.

Académica del Departamento de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla, Colombia.