Beyond circulation: The sidewalk as a support for urban social life

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Ruth Pérez-López, Dra.
Luz Yazmin Viramontes-Fabela


In this article we aim at discussing the sidewalk as a public space that goes beyond the mere function of circulation to understand it as a relational and heterogeneous space, support for social and commercial life, and a space for exchange and interaction. We develop a series of reflections on the different uses and appropriations of the sidewalk and the way in which they coexist, according to different types of socio-spatial orders. Likewise, we seek to analyze how the sidewalk is the object of local orders negotiated between the stakeholders who produce and manage them. We are also interested in understanding the way in which local orders are constructed based on the material characteristics of the space and the different players engaged. How does the design and materiality of the sidewalks impact the uses and practices that take place on each of them?.

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How to Cite
Pérez-López, R., & Viramontes-Fabela, L. Y. (2021). Beyond circulation: The sidewalk as a support for urban social life. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (30), 106–113.
Author Biographies

Ruth Pérez-López, Dra.

Socióloga, Universidad de Ciencias y Tecnologías de Lille, Francia.

Doctora en Antropología Social, Universidad de Ciencias y Tecnologías de Lille, Francia.

Profesora e investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, México.

Luz Yazmin Viramontes-Fabela

Arquitecta, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, México.

Directora General de la asociación CAMINA, Centro de Estudios de Movilidad Peatonal, México.