Street gardens: Vegetation as developer of an urban atmosphere. The case of the Barrios Bajos district in Valdivia

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María Paulina Ibieta-Illanes


Urban vegetation plays a critical role in terms of environmental stewardship and the wellbeing of city dwellers. However, vegetation can also contribute in the development of identity and space ownership, when it is part of local history and practices. This article is aimed at valuing urban atmosphere and landscape featuring the Barrios Bajos district, located in the city of Valdivia, south of Chile, as a configurator of the identity of the city’s traditional district. Through record-keeping, description, and characterization of two vegetable forms that have been part of the district’s collective space through the years, the study evidences how a network of urban gardens in the sidewalks, along with the vegetation of the private space as a backdrop, build the district’s urban atmosphere and landscape brand.

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How to Cite
Ibieta-Illanes, M. P. (2022). Street gardens: Vegetation as developer of an urban atmosphere. The case of the Barrios Bajos district in Valdivia. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (31), 13–22.
Author Biography

María Paulina Ibieta-Illanes, Instituto Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.

Arquitecta y Paisajista, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.

Académica del Instituto Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.