Virtual Social and Territorial Integration: Possibilities and Barriers Post Covid-19

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Andrés Godoy-Ossandón
Magdalena Schmidt-Gubbins
Tomás Lagos-Marín


As a result of the changes that had to be implemented in social interventions due to the COVID-19 pandemics and its ensuing challenges for community work on social and territorial integration issues, this article develops an exploratory research to explore the perceptions of beneficiaries and implementers of the Social Integration Plan –in its virtual modality– as of 2020. The aim was to assess the possibilities involved in remote work for integration into the new neighborhood and the strengthening of social cohesion in these territories. A mixed methodology was used, introducing surveys and semi-structured interviews with program participants and their implementers. The results show that these stakeholders interpret assistance facilities as a positive aspect for the neighborhood organization; however, challenges are identified to develop more active and inclusive participation processes with the community at large

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How to Cite
Godoy-Ossandón, A., Schmidt-Gubbins, M., & Lagos-Marín, T. (2023). Virtual Social and Territorial Integration: Possibilities and Barriers Post Covid-19. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (33), 50–55.
Author Biographies

Andrés Godoy-Ossandón, Equidad Urbana Consultora, Santiago, Chile.

Sociólogo y Magíster en Sociología de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile.

Equidad Urbana Consultora, Santiago, Chile.

Magdalena Schmidt-Gubbins, Equidad Urbana Consultora, Santiago, Chile.

Psicóloga, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Equidad Urbana Consultora, Santiago, Chile.

Tomás Lagos-Marín, Equidad Urbana Consultora, Santiago, Chile.

Sociólogo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Equidad Urbana Consultora, Santiago, Chile.