The Psychology of Inhabiting: Emotions as an Integral Part of an Architectural Project

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Franco Lotito C.


The main objective of this article is to reflect on the meaning of inhabiting from a psychological and architectural point of view. In addition, it seeks to highlight the importance of consolidating a strategic alliance between architecture and psychology, especially in light of how human beings react emotionally to certain visual and sensory stimuli provided by a given construction, either based on its design, structure, size, color, or other features. A qualitative methodological approach with a documentary design was adopted, additionally supported by a literature review based on a critical analysis. The conclusions highlight the urgent need to take into account the interests, emotions, expectations, and concerns of the main stakeholder in an architectural project: the human being.

Article Details

How to Cite
Lotito C., F. (2023). The Psychology of Inhabiting: Emotions as an Integral Part of an Architectural Project. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (33), 96–105.
Author Biography

Franco Lotito C., Programa de Magíster en Administración de Empresas, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile.

Psicólogo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Magíster en Administración de Empresas, MBA, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Doctor en Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Profesor de Alemán y Literatura Alemana, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Profesor del Programa de Magíster en Administración de Empresas (MBA) de la Universidad Austral de Chile.