Recovering our maritime fate in the conception of an inhabitable and sustainable seascape

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Boris Ivelic Kusanovic
Edison Segura Arias


The main ports in the world have torn down their walls and become open to cities. However, Valparaiso's hills and downtown strip have lost their opportunity to access and enjoy the ocean due to the block posed by its routes and the fact that the Port Industry has decided to shut down the coastal border. The concept of seascape is proposed as an analogy of landscape, i.e., making the ocean inhabitable to conceptually break the frontier between ocean and land as an obstacle, and on the contrary to create a merged front between water and land. Based on an architectonic analysis and projections, the project "Sea Avenue" is introduced, looking for "pacific waters" that do not challenge the ocean but rather take it into the land in a controlled manner.

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How to Cite
Ivelic Kusanovic, B., & Segura Arias, E. (2017). Recovering our maritime fate in the conception of an inhabitable and sustainable seascape. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (19), 88–93.
Author Biographies

Boris Ivelic Kusanovic


Edison Segura Arias
