From ecological networks to green infrastructure as mitigation actions: Florence’s Metropolitan Area, Italy

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Alexander Palummo, Dr.
Gino Perez-Lancellotti, Dr.


This article proposes ecological networks and green infrastructure as mitigation actions to avoid natural disasters produced by climate change and their possible application in the territorial planning of the metropolitan area of Florence, Italy. This city has declared the need to plan the Area Vasta proposing new infrastructure networks. However, how to solve territorial fragmentation, uncontrolled urban sprawling, and protected area disconnection is still unclear. The question is how the territorial planning of the Florence Metropolitan Area can incorporate new tools for the integration of natural and urban systems while avoiding the risk of climate change. In conclusion, integrated territorial planning is necessary to achieve connectivity between natural and urban systems so as to mitigate climate change risks and achieve more resilient metropolitan areas.

Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
Palummo, A., & Perez-Lancellotti, G. (2020). From ecological networks to green infrastructure as mitigation actions: Florence’s Metropolitan Area, Italy. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (28), 22–29.
Biografia do Autor

Alexander Palummo, Dr.

Planificador Urbano, Universidad de Florencia, Italia.

Doctor en Arquitectura, Universidad de Florencia, Italia.

Universidad de Florencia, Italia.

Urban planner, University of Florence, Italy

Doctor of Architecture, University of Florence, Italy.


Gino Perez-Lancellotti, Dr.

Arquitecto, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile.

Doctor en Arquitectura, Universidad de Florencia, Italia.

Académico Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad Católica del Norte Antofagasta, Chile.

Architect, Catholic University of the North, Chile.

Doctor of Architecture, University of Florence, Italy.

Academic School of Architecture, Catholic University of the North Antofagasta, Chile.