Antecedentes Sobre Producción de Avellanas (Segunda información de avance)

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Claudio Donoso Z., Mg.
Luis Soto O.


According to the schedule pointed out in the first research advance of 1978, research on Avellano fruit production wa s pursuid during 1979. Data on fruit production of trees growin g in a secondary forest of Robl e and Avellan o was obtained. Ver y significant correlation wa s found out between fruit production and Dbh.
Control of production on planted areas wa s pursuid in Frutillar, and Avellan o plantations wer e established in three different sites with two kinds of density on each site.

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How to Cite
Donoso Z., C., & Soto O., L. (1979). Antecedentes Sobre Producción de Avellanas (Segunda información de avance). BOSQUE, 3(1), 69–70.
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