Analysis of site variables to estimate the establishment in Chile of Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.

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Juan Carlos Ramírez
Juan Schlatter


Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. possesses interesting wood characteristics which make it an important species to establish in Chile, due to the high prices it reaches in the international markets. The present study defines the possible distribution of the species in Chile. For wood production, its geographical extension ranges between 37°S and 42°30'S, from the Pacific Coast to the Andean mountain range. The most favourable region to establish A. melanoxylon plantations is the coastal zone of the VIII Region, as well as coastal and interior zones of the IX and X regions, below 400 m s.n.m. and with an absence of extreme minimal temperatures. The main limiting factor northwards of its potential distribution is the length of the dry period, while southwards the minimal temperature and frosts are the most limiting.

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How to Cite
Ramírez, J. C., & Schlatter, J. (1998). Analysis of site variables to estimate the establishment in Chile of Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. BOSQUE, 19(2), 37–51.