Improvement of site productivity for short-rotation plantations in Brazil

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Jose Leonardo De Moraes Gonçalves
Nairam Felix De Barros


Short-rotation plantations of fast-growing species managed in successive crops accumulate large amounts of nutrients in short periods of time. Brazilian soils, mainly those used for forest plantations are not able to supply the nutritional requirements of the trees, thus needing fertiliser application or other nutrient sources to obtain a high productivity. The success of future forest activities will depend on the ability of forest managers to obtain high productivity of wood while maintaining the environment. How forest management practices affect environment and wood qualities, and which are the best techniques to preserve environmental resources and obtain wood are crucial questions that need great efforts from Brazilian researchers. This paper discusses some management strategies to conserve and improve the physical and chemical conditions of soil, exposed to successive harvesting of highly productive forest plantations, maintaining the yields in a sustainable way.

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Como Citar
De Moraes Gonçalves, J. L., & De Barros, N. F. (1999). Improvement of site productivity for short-rotation plantations in Brazil. BOSQUE, 20(1), 89–106.

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