Nietzsche-Wagner: Pre-eminence of poetry in the total work of art

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Gonzalo Portales


This article examines Nietzsche's criticism to the concept of Gesamtkunstwerktotal work of art – within the Wagnerian aesthetics and considers its impact upon modernity. It begins from the Classical genesis of this artistic concept, then considers the elements of its composition – poetry, theatre, music, – and the supposed pre-eminence of the poetic text, and finally ends with a debate on the consequences to modernity, especially in relation to the Cultural Industry.

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How to Cite
Portales, G. (2018). Nietzsche-Wagner: Pre-eminence of poetry in the total work of art. Philological Studies, (49), 117–125.
Author Biography

Gonzalo Portales, Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Instituto de Filosofía y Estudios Educacionales, Valdivia, Chile.

Este trabajo es un resultado parcial del proyecto Fondecyt N° 1090379.