The May 1968 events in José-Miguel Ullán: procedure, revolution and avant-garde

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Rosa Benéitez Andrés
Pablo López-Carballo


This paper aims at articulating a critical view of the theoretical framework of José-Miguel Ullán's poetics. Usually studied under the generation of '68, his poetry goes well beyond the characteristics often associated with that group, and its links with the May 1968 protests in France. Therefore, to generate an interpretative itinerary richer in nuances and to commensurate the singularity of his work, we will explore Ullan's connections with the poetics of three other contemporary European authors: Francis Ponge, Vladimir Maiakovski and Edoardo Sanguineti. By reflecting on concepts such as procedure, revolution or avantgarde, the paper will explore their shared proposals for a subversive literature.

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How to Cite
Benéitez Andrés, R., & López-Carballo, P. (2018). The May 1968 events in José-Miguel Ullán: procedure, revolution and avant-garde. Philological Studies, (57), 7–24.