RESPONSABILIDADE SOCIAL E HOSPITALIDADE: Um Estudo sobre o Apoio de Empresas a Projectos Culturais

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This study has the objective to analyze as the support forms to cultural projects can compose the strategy of social responsibility of the companies under the optics of the relationship marketing and hospitality. In this direction, main aspects had been selected that put evidence to the politics of social responsibility, in order to allow an analysis about the relationship of these with the support of cultural projects for current and potential customers, as well as for communities. On the basis of a theoretical proposal structure and the identification of the orienting variable of the research, were carried through to a study case on the performance of the American Express do Brasil company. The study results had disclosed the related enterprise positioning to the establishment of bonds with strategical public, fortifying a corporative image of social responsibility, preservation of the historical patrimony and tourist promotion. They also suggest that the enterprise relations with entities of Third Sector form strategical alliances in the conduction of social and cultural projects.

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How to Cite
MARTINS DE OLIVEIRA, V. (2007). RESPONSABILIDADE SOCIAL E HOSPITALIDADE: Um Estudo sobre o Apoio de Empresas a Projectos Culturais. Gestión Turística, (7), 39–54.
Resultados de Investigación
Author Biography

VALMIR MARTINS DE OLIVEIRA, Dr., Profesor Carrera de Turismo y Hotelería en Universidad de las Américas (Chile) y Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul (Brasil).

Doctorando en Estudios Internacionales (USACH, Chile).
Magíster en Hospitalidad - Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi (Brasil).
Master en Turismo - Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil).