TOURISM MAJOR: Study perspectives from knowledge-based economy

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Laura Peñaloza Suárez
J. Lourdes Medina Cuevas
Ruth Vargas Leyva
Alma Herrera Márquez


This document is part of the perspective of knowledge-based economy, to outline the theoretical axes underlying the analysis of the tourism professional; from an explanatory framework, it emphasizes the need to study human capital in the feld of tourism in a process of constant innovation, its approach identifies capital as an intangible element that accesses the exercise of multi-faceted training in professional emerging felds, which in turn defines a changing market dynamics and professional formation processes, it takes an individual and collective social responsibility to develop new ways of managing knowledge.

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How to Cite
Peñaloza Suárez, L., Medina Cuevas, J. L., Vargas Leyva, R., & Herrera Márquez, A. (2011). TOURISM MAJOR: Study perspectives from knowledge-based economy. Gestión Turística, (16), 207–227.
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