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Alysson Matheus Gomes Farias
Mateus Rocha dos Santos
André Riani Costa Perinotto
Vinicius Boneli Vieira


This article aims to analyze the use of QR-Code by tourists and how this tool is useful for them in some tourist experience. Considering that this tool has been in the market for a long time, and that it is inserted in the tourist market, being used in diverse forms. Exploratory and descriptive research was used, and a content analysis of the collected data was adopted.An online questionnaire was conducted on the Google Forms platform, which had a total of 86 respondents from different locations in Brazil. With the results obtained, it can be noted that this tool is used for several functions, and can be useful in tourism, either by buying a product through the internet, or in the use in a museum, which directs the user to an audio- guide. However, this tool is not used frequently and the user does not install a QR-Code reader, either on Smartphones or in the Tablets, before traveling, which shows that this tool is not very used and is undergoing a process of disuse.

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How to Cite
Gomes Farias, A. M. ., Rocha dos Santos, M., Costa Perinotto, A. R. ., & Boneli Vieira, V. . (2022). QR-CODE AND TOURISM. Gestión Turística, (35), 90–115. https://doi.org/10.4206/gest.tur.2021.n35-05