There is a god that buys everything: Identity and Memory of Chiloé in the XXI Century

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Sergio Mansilla Torres


This article elaborates a view on identity of contemporary Chiloé from the perspective offered by some poetic texts of Jorge Velásquez, Nelson Torres and Víctor Hugo Cárdenas; a view that considers, as its central point, the impact of the aquiculture industry on chilote society from the 1980s onward. The rural football tournaments, travels, the image of the island home, are some of the lyric themes that provide images of memory with which the identity of the archipelago of Chiloé is seeking to be reformulated in the XXI century.

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How to Cite
Mansilla Torres, S. (2017). There is a god that buys everything: Identity and Memory of Chiloé in the XXI Century. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (12), 145–158.