Socio-spatial impact of competitiveness in touristic MSMEs located in the Puyehue National Park and its surroundings

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Claudio Rosales U.
Rodolfo Lemarie O.


The present investigation was designed to study the social and spatial impact of competitiveness in micro and small entrepreneurs linked to local tourism in Entre Lagos and, also locations that are between the routes that connect to the Puyehue National Park to the town previously mentioned, such as the routes Entre Lagos - Mantilhue (T-985); Entre Lagos - Anticura (CH-215) and Entre Lagos - Encanto (U-475). The study allowed to confirm the low level of competitiveness that these entrepreneurs exhibit. The assertion of the thesis was achieved by applying the method of Castaño & Gutierrez (2011). The results allowed to say that 3 of the 8 factors of the methodology, explained more than 62% of low competitiveness. These were the functions: administrative, commercial / logistics and human talent. Consequently, improving these factors is key in order to reverse the current situation of these actors, who perceive that local tourism is a development opportunity in their precarious economic conditions.

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How to Cite
Rosales U., C., & Lemarie O., R. (2017). Socio-spatial impact of competitiveness in touristic MSMEs located in the Puyehue National Park and its surroundings. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (31), 145–165.