The participation of Mapuche-huilliche communities in the process of Agrarian Reform in the province of Valdivia (1970-1973)

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Fabien Le Bonniec


The political participation of the mapuche-huilliche communities to agrarian reform in the province of Valdivia between 1970 and 1973 has been little studied. That is through rural mobilizations, such as tomas, or the various mediations with public institutions, to assert their differences but also some interests in common with the Chilean peasants, the Mapuche were inserted in a sociopolitical process which design didn't contemplate their specificities and aspirations. Its objectives were to recover usurped lands and obtain justice. It is in these forms of participation in the process of agrarian reform, which both the community and the official public managed to establish unedited modes to interact and renew their repertoire of collective action, situations that may be observed in the presentation of three cases.

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How to Cite
Le Bonniec, F. (2017). The participation of Mapuche-huilliche communities in the process of Agrarian Reform in the province of Valdivia (1970-1973). Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (24), 27–49.