A short chronicle of whaling in Valdivia (1906-1936)

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Daniel Quiroz


In this paper, we present a historical outline of modern whaling developed in Valdivia, since its inception in 1906, with the formation of the Sociedad Ballenera y Pescadora de Valdivia, until its completion in 1936, with the sale of Sociedad Ballenera de Corral to Compañía Industrial S.A. We are also interested in providing information on captures by their whale catchers and the volumes of oil produced by the land stations of San Carlos de Corral and Huafo.

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How to Cite
Quiroz, D. (2017). A short chronicle of whaling in Valdivia (1906-1936). Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (19), 75–98. https://doi.org/10.4206/rev.austral.cienc.soc.2010.n19-05