The poetic reverie of Valparaíso from the study of the “semantic obliquity” in the liryc of Ximena Rivera

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Alejandro Banda Pérez, Mg. Dr.(c)


Considering Adolfo de Nordenflycht's proposals on local literature as differentiated from national literature, the study proposes an approach to the “differential” imaginary of the city-port of Valparaíso, concretized in the lyric of Ximena Rivera Órdenes (Viña del Mar, 1959—Valparaíso, 2013). In the first place, the "localized subaltern space" is considered as a dispute political space, and the catastrophic consequences of the military dictatorship in the social, cultural, and literary terms are addressed. Second, the concept of "poetic reverie" as proposed by Gaston Bachelard is addressed and discussed, to access the author's poetics and her selfrepresentation in the lyrical discourse. Finally, her lyrical work is approached while taking into account the materiality of Spinozist affections, the temper of mind, and the principle of "semantic obliqueness" of the text as proposed by Michael Riffaterre's critical system (1983), revealing that Ximena Rivera's poetry evokes a representation that is singular and different from that of the Port of Valparaíso, thus exerting resistance against the homogenization of the “abstract space”.

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How to Cite
Banda Pérez, A. (2020). The poetic reverie of Valparaíso from the study of the “semantic obliquity” in the liryc of Ximena Rivera. Revista Stultifera, 3(2), 130–161.
Artículos de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Author Biography

Alejandro Banda Pérez, Mg. Dr.(c), Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile.

Este artículo se enmarca en el Proyecto CONICYT n° 21181973: “Beca de Doctorado Nacional —año académico 2018-19”, que dio origen a la Tesis El imaginario de Valparaíso en la obra lírica de Ximena Rivera desde las categorías: “casa-puerto”, “ensoñación” y “ruina”, bajo la guía del Dr. Braulio Rojas Castro. Investigador responsable del proyecto: Alejandro Banda Pérez.

Magíster en Literatura Chilena e Hispanoamericana; candidato a Doctor en Literatura Hispanoamericana Contemporánea por la Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación, Valparaíso, Chile.