Asylum application, refuge: the destination of a “traumatic” position of the foreigner

Main Article Content

Olivier Douville, Dr.


The article addresses the particularities of clinical practice with immigrants, whom some call “refugees” and others, “asylum seekers.” Thus, it is intended to explain the characteristics of the clinical pictures of people who have fled their country at war, and the difficulties linked to the subjective inscription of a shared time and space are detailed, within which to transmit personal stories between asylum seekers. A first proposal is, then, to receive these experiences through the device of the word, returning the human dimension to the experiences lived from the horror and the unpredictable. Finally, the difference between the space of meaning
and creation that opens the word and what happens too often with the linear, monotonous and standardized reception of these immigrants, during their administrative procedures to obtain a status in France, is revealed.

Article Details

How to Cite
Douville, O. (2021). Asylum application, refuge: the destination of a “traumatic” position of the foreigner. Revista Stultifera, 4(2), 15–30.
Artículos del Dossier
Author Biography

Olivier Douville, Dr., Universidad de París-Nanterre, Francia.

Este artículo es una traducción autorizada ―tanto por el autor como por los editores― de Douville, O. (2020). Demande d’asile, refuge: destins d’une position «traumatique» de l’étranger. Chimères, 96, 36-52. Tradujo el texto el Dr. Daniel Jofré (Instituto de Psicología de la Universidad Austral de Chile, Sede Puerto Montt).

Doctorat en psychologie sociale clinique (1982) por la Université Paris XIII. Tiene una extensa trayectoria como psicólogo clínico y psicoanalista; es profesor titular de psicología, Universidad de París-Nanterre, miembro de la Asociación Francesa de Antropólogos y director de la publicación de la revista Psychologie Clinique.