Murid trade in the Barcelonian polis: the challenge to the service economy city

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Oskar-Ananda Ladero Icardo, Mg.


This research was an approach to the current nowadays for the murid top manta trade settled in Barcelona, as a result of the last migration Senegalian process. Members involved in a newly created trade union, public space, specificity of this top manta activity and a group of regular street vendors confronted with the formers, were basic issues of study. In order to do that, a multilocated ethnography was performed, as well as participant observation, qualitative interviews to key actors and a check of media. Results showed a politicized and activist individual implementing his human agency in an unfriendly environment, typical for a postindustrial city. Logic of this trade makes fundamentally profit of symbolic value related to fake items, at the expense of income capital for brands. Also, a brief approach to the transnational community is presented. Finally, the migration processes receiving city future are set out as a question mark, considering the lack of social policies.

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How to Cite
Ladero Icardo, O.-A. (2021). Murid trade in the Barcelonian polis: the challenge to the service economy city. Revista Stultifera, 4(2), 81–117.
Artículos del Dossier
Author Biography

Oskar-Ananda Ladero Icardo, Mg., Universitat de Barcelona, España.

ntropólo go Socia l y Cultur al por la Universitat de Barcelona, Magí ster en Antropología Bi ológica (Diversidad Humana y Aplicaciones Biomédicas) por la Universi tat de Barcel ona y Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y candidato a Magíster en Antropología y Etnografía por la Universitat de Barcelona.