Enrique Dussel and the Critical Recognition of the Other: Liberation and Interculturality

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Emmanuel Levine


This paper seeks to demonstrate how the critique of the Hegelian idea of recognition plays a central role in Enrique Dussel’s Philosophy of Liberation. It begins by showing how Dussel encountered the richness and limits of Levinasian thought on recognition. Following in Levinas’s footsteps, Dussel shows the ethical and political fecundity of an asymmetrical, non-reciprocal recognition of radical alterity. This specific recognition is the true engine of the analectic method proper to the Philosophy of Liberation. Recalling the main points of his debate with Axel Honneth, the article then shows that the Ethics and Politics of Liberation both give priority to a recognition at once material, formal and feasible of the excluded and oppressed Others. This critical recognition is concretized in the political struggle for the dignity of the various social movements or liberation fronts both in the South and the North, and in the intercultural dialogue towards a pluriversal transmodernity.

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How to Cite
Levine, E. (2024). Enrique Dussel and the Critical Recognition of the Other: Liberation and Interculturality. Revista Stultifera, 7(2), 133–158. https://doi.org/10.4206/rev.stultifera.2024.v7n2-07
Artículos del Dossier
Author Biography

Emmanuel Levine, Universidad Paris Nanterre, Nanterre, Francia.

Emmanuel Levine es Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Paris Nanterre (Francia) y traductor de las obras de Enrique Dussel. Es miembro del programa ECOS Sud-ANID “North-South network of Critical Theory. Thinking about Recognition and Sociocultural Conflicts”.


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