Trained human resources in Chilean dairy industry needs and interests

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María Beatriz Vera O.
Carlos Amtmann M.
Haroldo Magariños H.
Mónica Raddatz T.


The main objective of this study was to estimate the present and future demand of dairy technicians, as well as, the present offer of alternatives for dairy technicians formation.
For conducting the work, a market study was carried out. This study estimated the demand for Dairy technicians through a survey of the 34 dairy plants of the country (excluding CTL were the study was developed), and a sample of high school students, enrolled in agricultural colleges within the X Region of the country, were consulted on the proposal. The information was obtained through a secondary source.
The results of this study, show that the dairy industry and the dairy producers requires dairy technicians, since these could satisfy currently felt needs. The present demand for dairy technicians by the dairy industry is of 43 and of 72 in the future. On the other hand, more than 70% of the students attending agricultural colleges manifested the desire of pursuing this option. At present this degree is not offered by any professional institute, agricultural college, or centre of technical formation of the country. Neither is it offered as an specialisation in the curriculum of the available agri-food related programs.
Finally, it should not be forgotten that formation is an investment in the future and that companies require trained personnel to maintain and increase productivity. Only prepared staffs is in a position to perform increasingly more complex duties.

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How to Cite
Vera O., M. B., Amtmann M., C., Magariños H., H., & Raddatz T., M. (1998). Trained human resources in Chilean dairy industry: needs and interests. Agro Sur, 26(2), 12–18.

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