Economical and technical stablishment study of a peasant trade fair for horticultural products in Chonchi, Tenth Region

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Gustavo Blanco W.
María Beatriz Vera O.
Carlos Amtmann M.


The feasibility of implementing a trade fair for horticultural products in Chonchi town, located in Chiloé province, Tenth Region of Chile, was determined as one of the development strategies stimulated by the Project UNIR for three rural communities pertaining to this commune.
The study presents a market analysis for 10 horticultural products, selected as a function of their commercial potential and the productive tradition of the zone.
By a questionnaire, the total quantity of each product demanded by Chonchi town, and the components of supply were estimated.
Organizational design was elaborated by the social research method of "Discussion groups". That proposes a merchandising system based on cooperative principies strongly rooted in Chiloé, and negotiated through the committees of small producers from the respective communities, wich would allow to obtain, eventually, the corresponding institucional and credit support.
An analysis of operative costs of the fair is presented, and with the operative volume estimated, it was possible to compute the gross income, and the total annual net benefits for the merchandising stage of the project.
Under the conditions of the study and according to the analyzed market factors and to the operative system proposed for a horticultural fair peasant, it has been estimated a positive annual net benefit that would ascend to $ 8.518.301.

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How to Cite
Blanco W., G., Vera O., M. B., & Amtmann M., C. (1999). Economical and technical stablishment study of a peasant trade fair for horticultural products in Chonchi, Tenth Region. Agro Sur, 27(2), 132–144.

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