Historical development of the appellation Osorno Steer. A review

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R. De la Barra
M. E. Martinez
A. Haudorf
P. Fábregas
A. Carvajal
R. Morales


The food market follows a trend towards the sophistication of supply, which is changing the way to address the creation of value around agricultural production. Nowadays, the concept of quality involves other kinds of variables because the consumer demands products with a certification seal for sustainability, animal welfare, local identity, etc. In this sense, the how and/or where it was produced and/or who generated the product become relevant aspects since they provide background and immerse the product into a story to be told through its consumption, especially in the framework of a territorial vision of rural development. Therefore, local culture, history and prestige become economic assets, capable of generating productive synergies. This review aims to explore the constitutive elements of value which, although hidden, may constitute a story (so far wasted) for a traditional livestock product from southern Chile: the Osorno Steer. The historiography background review allows us to conclude that this product has a unique history that is associated with a clearly distinguishable territory located in the regions of Los Ríos and Los Lagos, a limited genetic origin, a relatively specific mode of production, recognizable quality criteria, and a prestigious name with an identity character. All of this would allow this food to be valued based on its origin, as long as the relationships of said value are specified through a production feasibility protocol.

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How to Cite
De la Barra, R., Martinez, M. E., Haudorf, A., Fábregas, P., Carvajal, A., & Morales, R. (2020). Historical development of the appellation Osorno Steer. A review. Agro Sur, 48(1), 29–40. https://doi.org/10.4206/agrosur.2020.v48n1-04

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