Withdrawal strength of screws from particleboards made up from wood wastes of Chilean species

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Hernán Poblete W.
Miguel Peredo L.
Luis Inzunza D.


Withdrawal strength of screws from particleboard made up from peeling wood wastes of Pinus radiata D. Don., of five Chilean species and of three mixtures of the same species was determined. Board densities were 625 kg/m3 and 675 kg/m3 .
The effect of board density was an important factor. The best results were obtained with Olivillo (Aextoxicon punctatum R. et Pav.).

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How to Cite
Poblete W., H., Peredo L., M., & Inzunza D., L. (1994). Withdrawal strength of screws from particleboards made up from wood wastes of Chilean species. BOSQUE, 15(2), 77–80. https://doi.org/10.4206/bosque.1994.v15n2-11

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