Modelling and prognosis of land uses changes

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Víctor Sandoval
Pedro Real


The statistical-space modeling of change in the use of the ground is derived from the combined use of cartographic techniques, GIS, and multivariant statistical models. The primary objective is to identify the magnitude and space distribution of change and to cartographically project and unfold the probability of occurrences in the near future, under the assumption that the techniques of ground utilization will continue to be similar to those of the recent past. The more independent variables used in these types of models are: distance to markets, road infrastructure, topography, quality of ground, precipitation, and forest fragmentation. In the present article, the theoretical and practical aspects in space modeling of the earth are discussed.

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How to Cite
Sandoval, V., & Real, P. (2005). Modelling and prognosis of land uses changes. BOSQUE, 26(1), 55–63.
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