Acute colonic diverticulitis: etiology, diagnosis and therapeutic alternatives

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Felipe Imigo G.
Leonardo Cárcamo G.
Francisco Cárcamo G.
Erick Castillo F.
Carlos Fonfach Z.
Rodolfo Avendaño H.


Diverticular disease of the colon is a quite frecuent pathology in our population, this refers to small outpouchings from the colonic lumen due to mucosal herniation through the colonic wall .Inflammation and/or perforation of the diverticula usually cause a clinical emergency which must be diagnosed and solved optimally. Clinical diagnosis must be confirmed by an abdominal and pelvic computed tomography scanning, according to the findings should be classified and decide on appropriate treatment. Patients with simple diverticulitis, inflammation of diverticulum only, should be hospitalized and treated with bowel rest and intravenous antibiotics. In the presence of complicated diverticulitis (abscess, purulent or fecaloid peritonitis) there are multiple options ranging from: percutaneous abscess drainage, laparoscopic lavage, resection and primary anastomosis, and Hartmann resection. The following article describes the pathogenesis, diagnosis, medical treatment and surgical options for patients with complicated acute diverticulitis.

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How to Cite
Imigo G., F., Cárcamo G., L., Cárcamo G., F., Castillo F., E., Fonfach Z., C., & Avendaño H., R. (2018). Acute colonic diverticulitis: etiology, diagnosis and therapeutic alternatives. Cuadernos De Cirugía, 26(1), 33–41.
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