Political Resonances of a Centennial Protest: Koyautun Mapunche Williche, Koz Koz Mapu Kuifi Kiñe Pataka Tripantu

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Roberto Morales Urra


The comprehension of the social and cultural logics present in the centennial commemoration of the Parlamento de Koz Koz in the Williche territory, located in the current province of Panguipulli, is relevant to understand the process and characteristics of the relationships between sectors of the Mapuche people and the Chilean state. The descendants of the ancient and current Mapuche authorities gathered in January 2007, while extra-territorial and foreign guests participated in the final stages of that meeting, thus configuring an event that, in light of the analysis that follows, is not only a commemoration of what happened in 1907, but also the actualization of a certain regularity in the political and social Mapuche movement that, in the fundamental, seemed to not have changed in the time that has passed.

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How to Cite
Morales Urra, R. (2017). Political Resonances of a Centennial Protest: Koyautun Mapunche Williche, Koz Koz Mapu Kuifi Kiñe Pataka Tripantu. Revista Austral De Ciencias Sociales, (17), 25–40. https://doi.org/10.4206/rev.austral.cienc.soc.2009.n17-02