Project and social engineering. The debate on housing plan in journals. Santiago, 1930-1950

Main Article Content

Hugo Mondragón López, Dr.


Between 1 930 and 1 950, Chilean architectonic culture debated about the meaning and applications of the word plan. Using journals as the main source and taking the debate on the housing plan as the major case study, the article reveals the arguments used. As part of the historical narrative level, sociopolitical modernization processes and transformation in the discipline, the hypothesis formulated is that given its alleged capacity to anticipate collective lifestyles, the plan was understood as a strategic tool for the startup of a social engineering project which, at the same time, enriched the project instruments of architecture.

Article Details

How to Cite
Mondragón López, H. (2017). Project and social engineering. The debate on housing plan in journals. Santiago, 1930-1950. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (17), 30–36.
Author Biography

Hugo Mondragón López, Dr.

Arquitecto de la Universidad Piloto de Colombia.
Magíster en Arquitectura y Doctor en Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Magíster en Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Profesor Asociado Escuela de Arquitectura, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.